Products > Laboratory Instrument > Spectrometer > PeDX COAT 1 portable XRF coating thickness analyzer
Product name : PeDX COAT 1 portable XRF coating thickness analyzer
Product No. : PeDX COAT 1
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Product Description
Without sample preparation, PeDX COAT analyzer can be directly used for multi-layer coating thickness measurement and material analysis, and can also be used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of elemental composition of samples. It is widely used in analysis of composition concentration of functional coatings and electroplating bath solution in medical equipment, electronic equipment, semiconductor, electroplating, metal products, auto parts, sanitary ware, jewelry and other industries.

Technical Parameters
Weight 4.1KG
Size of Mainframe 200×200×268mm(L×W×H)
Size of Sample Room 170×130×60mm(L×W×H)
Excitation source Up to 50kV, 200uA X-ray tube, upper excitation power 4W, Ag/Rh target
Element range Mg—U
Operation System

Based on the I. MX 6 Quad, quad-core Cortex-A9 processor 

Dedicated analytics operating system, 32GB of system memory

Data Transfer

USB, Bluetooth, WIFI, can connect the device to the Internet, remote setting and maintenance of the instrument



Operating Ambient Temperature


Operating Ambient Humidity

10%~90% relative humidity, non-condensing


5.7-inch absorbable color touch screen display

Test Time

User customize


Built-in 5-megapixel HD camera


Chinese, English, etc

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Online service

Skype: jackie.chan-chemins 294772396 info@starkinstrument.com